Killer Heat in the United States

Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days

Kristina Dahl, Erika Spanger, Rachel Licker, Astrid Caldas, Rachel Cleetus, Shana Udvardy, Juan Declet-Barreto, Pamela Worth

Published Jul 2, 2019



This analysis shows the rapid, 由于617888九五至尊娱乐变化,预计将在全国范围内发生的极端高温普遍增加, 包括温度指数无法测量的极端条件. 分析还发现,即将到来的热的强度在很大程度上取决于我们现在采取行动减少温室气体排放的速度.

结果凸显了一个严峻的选择:我们可以继续走目前的道路, where we fail to reduce emissions and extreme heat soars. 或者我们现在就可以采取大胆的行动,大幅减少排放,防止最坏的情况成为现实.

Dangerous heat

For this national analysis, extreme heat is measured according to the heat index, 温度和湿度的结合创造了“感觉”温度.

分析包括四种不同的热指数阈值, 每一种都会带来越来越危险的健康风险:华氏90度以上, above 100°F, above 105°F, and "off the charts.(异常天气是如此极端,超过了国家气象局(National Weather Service)高温指数的上限, 高温指数达到或超过127华氏度, depending on the combination of temperature and humidity.)

The report features three time frames—historical, midcentury, 和本世纪末,以及三种不同的617888九五至尊娱乐行动方案. Location-specific results can be found using our interactive tool.


Dahl, Kristina, Erika Spanger-Siegfried, Rachel Licker, Astrid Caldas, John Abatzoglou, Nicholas Mailloux, Rachel Cleetus, Shana Udvardy, Juan Declet-Barreto, and Pamela Worth. 2019. 美国的酷暑杀手:617888九五至尊娱乐选择和危险炎热天气的未来. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.